We had our first Cross Country Race on Wednesday! I felt so proud to be a part of the Lochside Lizards and the awesome positive energy that all the kids brought to the big grassy field at Beaver Lake. By the time the races started, there were hundreds of kids gathered from all the schools in Saanich, plus parents and grandparents and teachers and friends. The kids had lots of support for their race. There was loud fun music playing from the speakers and we did some warm ups and waited for the races to start. As I was thinking about how to write about the cross country race, I kept on coming up with a poem. Maybe it's because running has such energy and rhythm, or maybe it was all the happy kids, but here's my poem about racing for all you runners!

The sun shone bright and the day was clear,
As the Lochside Lizards gave their pre-race cheer!
"Go Lizards", their shouts rang loud,
Team spirit and energy made us proud.
Everyone warmed up sporting a smile,
Then ran to the start for their cross country mile.
Red and blue and gold and green,
I've never seen a start line of runners so keen!
The start horn blew and off they ran;
Strong legs moving as fast as they can.
Ponytails flying, arms pumping fast.
A blur of kids flying across the grass.
Off in the woods, breathing hard,
We all wait for the next race to start.
Relax the shoulders, relax your face,
Breathe in deep and get ready to race.
The kids come in, up the hill,
The effort is there, but they're smiling still!
Parents and teachers and coaches cheer!
We're all so proud to be watching here.
One final sprint across the grass;
Don't look back! Don't let her pass!
Tired happy kids hold ribbons tight.
400 racers is quite a sight!
Good sports all, they deserve a rest.
Get ready for another meet to be the best!
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